Thank you for supporting our church's ministry through your financial gifts. All donations of $20.00 and over are receipted for income tax purposes at the end of the year. Please ensure the church office has your current address if you wish to receive a tax receipt.
- select Interac e-Transfer from your bank account
- enter recipient: "Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd" (or whatever part of that the screen will hold)
- enter email address:
- enter the amount and any other information required
- submit
- drop off or mail your cheque to the church
- you are welcome to provide postdated cheques, which will be added to the offering on the dates you designate
PAR (Pre-authorized Remittance)
- contact Tina at the church office to request a form
- complete the form, attach a VOID cheque, and drop off/mail to the church office
- once a month, around the 20th, your account will automatically be debited and the funds transferred to the church
- your donation can be adjusted or cancelled at any time